春风得意马蹄疾 一日看尽长安花

《简单的礼物》:一首有感而发的Ballad Stanza【捂脸】

呐这周在整理现在翻译的《简单的礼物》的前三分之一内容,又重新温习了一遍前几章,然后随手写了首打油诗(ノへ ̄、)捂脸……还请轻喷哦

Seems like I need a present to honor
the journey we have been through.
I know it hasn’t been really often
since the day I’ve kissed you.

Could you be the part-time lover
that I study the most in the queue?
Or as a dear full-time friend
who sticks with me like a glue?

Whatever that precious relationship is,
my heart is still with you.
No matter how the wind howls,
no matter what you will do. 

Where can I find my anonymous, simple gift,
a gift that may wipe your blue?
I know it has to be unexpected,
then you won’t have a clue. 
Perhaps it shall be nice and intimate,
to show my heart is true?
Or maybe it can be ordinary but useful,
to help you carry through?

The moment I put it down on your bed,
my body shivers with rue.
My dear, fearless Astrid Hofferson,
what are you up to?

Just put a pillow on his bed like that
and wait for him to understand your cue?
That can not be right,
you and I both knew.

He just entered the empty house,
that is when I must eschew.
Hiccup, just want you to know,
I love you too. 

09 Feb 2018
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